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This blog is to keep you up to date on research being done on the Book of Abraham

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Upcoming Lecture Series

Next week Dr. Muhlestein will be at BYU Hawaii doing the Joseph Smith Lecture Series. He will do the Devotional entitled "The Book of Abraham, Joseph Smith, Revelation, and You," on Tuesday. The text of this lecture will be made available on the University's website and on BookofAbraham.org.

That day he will also do a public lecture entitled "Seeing God's Unending Love, Patience and Mercy in His Dealings with the House of Israel."

On Wednesday he will teach some classes, do some lectures for the faculty, and do a campus wide lecture entitled "Joseph Smith's Treasure Seeking as a Personal Tutoring Opportunity."

He will also do a book signing at the Campus Bookstore on Thursday, as well as a question and answer session with students that day.

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